

What is a ThoughtExchange?

An exchange is a special and unique two-way process to bring people together on important topics, which replaces the methods used in traditional surveys with a naturally collaborative platform. It can turn everyday challenges into opportunities for engagement and growth.

How does a ThoughtExchange work?
Participants are asked to share their ideas in response to an open-ended question. All ideas are shared confidentially (click here for more information). Once participants have shared their own ideas, they are asked to rate the thoughts that others have provided on a scale of one to five stars based on how much they agree with the idea or how important they think it is. In the final step, participants can view how the thoughts in the exchange have been rated by the group. Click here to learn more about the steps of an exchange. Unlike a traditional, “submit-it-and-forget-it” solution, participants are encouraged to keep coming back to share additional thoughts and to read and rate what others think.

Why does RRDSB run ThoughtExchanges?
Great ideas don’t hit all at once, and they’re often a collaborative effort. An exchange helps people learn from one another, discover important insights, and make decisions quickly and effectively - all this with fewer meetings and better information.  
We are always looking for ways to improve communication and are listening deeply to feedback and ideas. When we run a ThoughtExchange, we review and consider the feedback from the Top Thoughts to inform our decisions on how to best move forward.

Open Exchanges

There are no exchanges open at this time.

Previous Exchanges

  • CLOSED May 31, 2023: What are some challenges being faced by our students and schools that could be supported through a Student Support Foundation or other similar initiative?
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