Pathway Planning in the RRDSB
The pathway that each Rainy River District School Board student takes from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and beyond is unique, shaped by their experiences, skills, interests, and the countless other factors that make them unique as individuals. Their pathways may lead to Apprenticeship, College, Community Living, University, or the Workplace directly after high school - and for most, it will lead to more than one of those destinations over their lifetimes. Students, parents, educators, and stakeholders can use this site and the RRDSB companion guide to learn about the various programs that help Rainy River District School Board students create clear visions of their futures, and to make that future happen for each student.
The Individual Pathways Plan
Starting in grade 7 and continuing through grade 12, all students in the Rainy River District School Board document their learning in education and career/life planning in an Individual Pathways Plan (IPP). Students use an online tool called Xello which helps students to develop self-knowledge, explore various opportunities, and develop plans for postsecondary endeavours.