Community Use of Schools

Community Use of Schools

The Community Use of Schools program, established by the Ontario Ministry of Education, facilitates access to school facilities beyond regular school hours.

RRDSB schools are key community hubs that encourage learning and participation in numerous activities provided by local organizations. They create an environment for individuals to unite, volunteer, develop skills, engage in community programs, promote physical activity, and fostering active, healthy communities.
School facilities include gymnasiums, classrooms, kitchen and cafeterias, learning commons, athletic fields, and areas designated for outdoor learning.

The RRDSB supports and promotes community involvement in utilizing its facilities and resources. 
Our goal is to make the booking process for a learning space as smooth as possible. You can now reserve a school facility from the comfort of your home or office using eBase.

Before booking a school facility please read Policy 6.10 Community Use of School Facilities and Grounds

Booking a school facility is easy: 

1. Set up an Account or log into eBase, the RRDSB online booking permit system. 
2. Look at the Calendar schedule. 
3. Choose a Facility and Space.
4. Book Online by clicking the "Apply Now" button. 

Apply Now link opens in a new page
If you have any questions regarding your community use booking(s), please email the Community Use of Schools coordinator at [email protected] or contact: 

Jenn Langtry
Community Use Coordinator
Rainy River District School Board
807 275-4979
[email protected]

Important Information: 

  • Weekend Custodial Rates

On weekends, a fee of $45.05 per hour for custodial services for the 2024-2025 school year will apply to all community user groups, such as sports and recreation groups, charitable organizations, service clubs, and booster clubs, with a minimum service commitment of three (3) hours.

  • Townshend Theatre Booking Information

For inquiries regarding booking the Theatre please contact the Memorial Sports Centre at 807 274-4561

  • Facility Partnerships

Following the guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Procedure 6.05, the Rainy River District School Board supports the Facility Partnership initiative. This initiative aims to encourage school boards to collaborate with community partners in sharing facilities.

For more information, visit the RRDSB Facility Partnerships web page.

Insurance Requirements 

All community users must provide proof of general liability insurance, naming Rainy River District School Board  as an additional insured, for a minimum of $5 million coverage, prior to permit approval.
Proof of insurance can be obtained by requesting a certificate from your current insurance provider.
If you do not have an insurance provider, you can purchase insurance for your group through RRDSB. Contact the Community Use Coordinator at [email protected] for further details and insurance rates.

Payment Options
Payment can be made by cheque or e-transfer only. Please make cheques payable to the Rainy River District School Board and can be dropped off in person at the Education Centre office on Second St. Fort Frances. Cheques can be mailed to Community Use of Schools, c/o Rainy River District School Board, 522 Second St E, Fort Frances, ON P9A 1N4. 
Community Use Quick Links

For more information please click on one of the links below:

All Publications are available in accessible formats, upon request.

Policy 6.10 Community Use of School Facilities and Grounds was reviewed and approved at the June 2024 meeting of the Rainy River District School Board. Please review the Policy as it includes the Schedule of Fees, and list of classifications for user groups that may be subsidized. Not-For-Profit user groups may also submit a fee waiver application for review and potential approval. 

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