RRDSB Releases EQAO Results 22-23

RRDSB Releases 2022-2023 EQAO Results
Posted on 10/12/2023

October 12, 2023

Rainy River District School Board announces EQAO assessment results.

The 2022-2023 Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) results have been released. This is the second administration of the newly digitalized and modernized provincial assessments. Due to the substantial changes to these assessments combined with the release of updated curriculum, the 2021-2022 results established a new baseline for Ontario schools and school boards.

In 2022-2023, 144 Grade 3 students within the Rainy River District School Board wrote the Primary Assessments.
In Reading, 65% of Grade 3 students achieved the provincial standard of achievement (Levels 3 and 4). This was an increase of 10% points from the previous year. In Writing, 55% of Grade 3 students achieved the provincial standard of achievement, an improvement of 9% points from 2022-2023.

For the Junior Assessments, 147 Grade 6 students completed the assessments, with 76% of students achieving the provincial standard of achievement in Reading. In Writing, 74% of Grade 6 students achieved the provincial standard. Both assessments’ results saw no change from the previous year.

Of the 185 first-time eligible (FTE) students who participated in the Ontario Secondary School Literary Test – Grade 10 students in the 2022-2023 school year – 70% were successful. While the Board was under the provincial rate of 85%, our results saw an increase of 2% points. For students who re-attempted the OSSLT, 64% were successful, while another 13% of students who had attempted the OSSLT at least once, completed the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course. Re-attempting the OSSLT and/or taking the Literacy Course are both options for students to achieve this graduation requirement.

Mathematics continues to be a priority for the Rainy River District School Board and the province. In 2022-2023, 54% of Grade 3 students achieved the provincial standard, compared to approximately 60% of students provincially. For Grade 6 students who completed the EQAO Mathematics assessment, 26.5% achieved the provincial standard, compared to the 49.5% of students at this standard provincially.

With the implementation of a universal destreamed math curriculum in 2021, all Grade 9 students now write the same EQAO assessment. Of the 167 students enrolled in Grade 9 Mathematics who wrote the assessment in either January or June of last year, approximately 54% achieved the provincial standard. These results align with the provincial trend of approximately 54%.

“We use EQAO results as a checkpoint to our local assessment data, to identify areas of further development. Our results this year demonstrate the tremendous work of our staff to respond to the pandemic-related disruptions to the school system and to create the conditions for student success,” said Director of Education Heather Campbell.

For a more in-depth look at the EQAO results please visit the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)

Media Contact: Heather Campbell, Director of Education, Rainy River District School Board (807) 274-9855
Reference: Mia Sexton, Community Outreach, Rainy River District School Board (807) 274-9855.
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