Board Meeting Highlights - May 7, 2024

Board Meeting Highlights - May 7, 2024
Posted on 05/08/2024
NLS retirees Employee Recognition:
Congratulations to the following Rainy River District School Board school staff on their 25  years of service with the board: Julie Ferguson and Glenna Kehl. 

Congratulations to the following on their retirement: Myrna Gouliquer, Michael Krassy and Karen Gannon 
Mike Krassy started in 1997 at the Atikokan High School, he’s always been a fierce promoter of education and a strong supporter of athletics and Outers. Mike has always given 100% to both programs and was instrumental in helping to keep the spirit of outdoors alive. Students never know a week without an adventure. They are ice fishing, biking, snowshoeing and paddling canoes. In short, Mike made learning fun. He is also a huge piece of the badminton legacy in Atikokan. He was a huge source of information for his colleagues regarding anything outdoors, and his expertise will be missed in his absence.
Karen Gannon joined Atikokan High School in 1999. She always encouraged students to sit with the smart kids in the front rather than the cool kids in the back. As a junior girls volleyball coach, she excelled at teaching fundamental skills for future athletics. Karen's Grade 9 math EQAO results were exceptional year after year, and students appreciated her caring attitude towards their education. She will be missed in the coming years, and we wish her the best in her retirement.

Recognition Of Excellence 
Carly Skrenski, Principal of Northern Lakes K-12 School talked about the school’s nutrition program and its impact on learning. The program provides students with healthy food choices throughout the day. Several community partners work with NLS providing hot lunches, fresh fruit and vegetables, and additional food bags that go home to families on weekends.
View report here

System-Program/Curriculum Success
Jennifer Pagnotta, Grade 6 teacher at Northern Lakes K-12 School talked about the 10 lesson covered in the Equity Backpack program. 
View report here

Board Reports
The following policies were reviewed at the Policy Committee meeting on April 30, 2024., and recommendations were presented to the Trustees for approval and for stakeholder consultation. 
Presented to the Trustees for approval:
i. 1.07 The Role of the Board of Trustees 
ii. 2.67 Equity and Inclusive Education
iii. 1.43 Trustee Honoraria
And for stakeholder consultation:
iv. 1.20 First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Advisory Committee
v. 5.80 Elders, Senators, Knowledge Keepers, and Pow Wows
View polices here

Future Board Meetings
Regular Board Meetings are held in person and online and the links to join the meetings will be posted on the RRDSB website. 
Tuesday June 4, 2024
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