School Support / Special Education Services

School Support Services (SSS) and Special Education Services Offices

The School Support Services Office consists of staff members that work to support the needs of all learners, both students and staff from a K-12 perspective. SSS members provide professional development to staff, classroom coaching, support for At-Risk students, as well as a timely electronic "Request for Service" referral system. Literacy, Numeracy and Technology support, Early Years, Experiential Learning, and Indigenous Education programming are areas of focus within School Support Services.

Special Education Services employs a "Learning for All" model where individual student needs are identified and thoughtfully considered through programming designed to support all learners. Supports and information for schools, parents, stakeholders and staff are available through the Special Education Services webpage or through the Special Education Coordinator's office.

School Support Services (SSS) and Special Education Services Staff

Heather Bridgeman-Swire, Principal School Support Services/Special Education Administrator:
Manages and supports School Support Services Department
System leadership for al Special Education Services Supports

807-274-9855 ext. 5015
[email protected]

Karen Supinski (Papineau), Indigenous Education Coordinator:
As a member of the Indigenous Education Team; 
Collaborates with local First Nation and Métis communities and organizations to support learning for the students and staff of RRDSB. 
Seeks feedback from the FNMI Education Advisory Committee to develop and implement the priorities of the Board Action Plan.
Supports the Ojibwe Language programming.
Provides students and educators with resources and opportunities to build knowledge and awareness of Indigenous histories, cultures, perspectives, and contributions.

807-274-9855 ext. 5004
[email protected]

Jason Jones, Elementary Curriculum Coordinator

Lynne Avis, Literacy Coordinator:
Works with teachers supporting literacy initiatives to impact student achievement in literacy.  
Provides leadership for professional development in the area of literacy especially the science of reading.

807-274-9855 ext. 5018
[email protected]

Lonna Oster, Speech language Program Coordinator:
Provides Speech, Language, and Literacy assessments, screening and programming for students in JK to Grade 12. 
Works with parents, educators, and other school personnel to help support students' communication needs at home and in the classroom.
Supervises and oversees the implementation of speech language programming provided by the communication assistants in each school
Provides support in oral language and phonological awareness strategies for classrooms.

807 274-9855 ext. 5016
[email protected]

Tracey Idle, Mental Health Leader:
Creates and implements the Board's mental health strategy & action plan
Works as part of the provincial community of practice with School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO) .
Provides education and support to staff, students, and parents related to school mental health.
Collaborates with community partners to engage in activities to support student well-being.

807274-9855 ext. 4992
[email protected]

RobRoy Donaldson, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator & Lead of Experiential Learning:
Leads and supports the design and delivery of effective Experiential Learning opportunities for K-12 learners across all grades, subjects and programs, with a focus on education and career/life planning, skilled trades and apprenticeship, and STEM, Grades 7 to12.
Promotes and enables skilled trades and apprenticeship as a "first choice" pathway for students through the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP).

807 274-9855 ext. 5011
[email protected]

Marlon Douglas, Techways Coordinator: 
Supports the Science and Technology curriculum through hands-on learning.
Exposing students to skilled trades by engaging them in hands-on learning experiences.
Supports classroom teachers in enhancing program delivery.
Supports classroom teachers and students in developing students Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) using Xello.

807 274-9855 ext. 5020
[email protected]

Tanya Kroocmo, Elementary STEM Coordinator:
Provides students and educators with support, tools, and resources needed to advance student learning and confidence.
Utilizes and promotes research-based best practices to help schools increase the performance of all students, including those with special education needs and students facing systemic barriers in their math learning.
Supports the effective implementation of the elementary Math and Science & Technology curricula.

807 274-9855 ext. 5007
[email protected]

Shannon Westover, Technology Enabled Learning and Teaching Contact (TELTc) and Secondary Curriculum Coordinator:
Supports teachers in the transition from traditional to blended / remote learning.
Assists teachers in embedding technology into their classrooms to enhance the student learning experience.
Provides training to teachers to use parent engagement tools (Eg. PowerSchool, Seesaw, Google Classroom).

807 274-9855 ext. 5022
[email protected]

Kellie Whalen, School Attendance Counsellor:
Provides specialized counselling and support services to students and their families with attendance difficulties. We work with the students to develop a plan/strategy to promote regular school attendance or alternative programming and assist the student/family to make connections with other community resources.
Assists JWW / CRS  / DYS / SCS / FFHS / FHSI / UNFC

807 274-7747  ext. 262
[email protected]

Erin Williams, School Attendance Counsellor:
Provides specialized counselling and support services to students and their families with attendance difficulties. We work with the students to develop a plan/strategy to promote regular school attendance or alternative programming and assist the student/family to make connections with other community resources.
Assists NSCS / MCS / RMS / RIV / MCT /  RRHS / NLS

807 597-6640  ext. 4
[email protected]

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