Student Achievement Plan

The Student Achievement Plan provides a framework for all schools to plan their improvement efforts, while aligning the priorities for all our work with the Board’s Strategic Plan. With the Student Achievement Plan, we identify the areas for growth, the opportunities to celebrate success, and the ways to address barriers to our students’ success.

What is the Student Achievement Plan (SAP)?

Each year, Ontario's school boards formulate an improvement plan to outline their initiatives for improving student outcomes. The Ministry of Education has introduced a framework for the Student Achievement Plan (SAP), which centers on three primary priorities:

  • Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills
  • Preparation of Students for Future Success
  • Student Engagement & Well-Being
The Student Achievement Plan is a provincial requirement for all school boards, establishing goals and performance indicators to measure student achievement and well-being and to monitor progress.


Understanding the Student Achievement Plan

The RRDSB data provided by the Ministry of Education has been drawn from 2022/2023 EQAO data, whereas the data related to preparation of students for future success and student engagement and well-being is based on information from 2021/2022. Two of the indicators baseline data will be added by the Ministry in 2024/2025 - % of students who believe their learning has prepared them for the next step in their learning experience and % of Grade 3, 6 and 9 students who report being aware of mental health supports and services to seek supports for mental health.

2022/2023 Student Achievement Plan

Next Steps 

A short summary of the action plan can be found in the link above, in the column “Actions our School Board will take to Improve”. However, this is just a snapshot of the work happening to ensure student success. Our next steps include:

  • Contextualizing the achievement data with current Board and school data to find trends or changes, while recognizing the impact of the past few years on our students.
  • Looking at data school by school to determine specific locations where further support may be warranted.
  • Reviewing specialized programs within our high schools and that data as it relates to indicators within the Future Success priority.
  • Analyzing attendance data to and exploring strategies to support improved attendance, which has a direct impact on students’ achievement.
  • Establishing, continuing with, and/or refining our strategies, informed by research, including providing training/professional development, and resources.

Questions or Suggestions?

We invite our families and students to submit questions or suggestions around the Student Achievement Plan through the online form below or by talking to your school principal.

Student Achievement Plan Questions or Suggestions

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