RRDSB is committed to supporting equity and inclusion and the elimination of discrimination and racism in education. This includes valuing the diversity, inclusion, and respect for the dignity of all.
We acknowledge that systemic racism, bias and discrimination exists and is experienced by students, families and staff in Black, Indigenous and racialized communities. As such, we are committed to working with our communities to listen for understanding about the lived experiences and harm caused by racism and to work to identify and eliminate barriers created by bias, systemic racism.
Our Equity Plan is evolving. We have consulted with community partners, staff, school councils and advisory committees in its development. Through ongoing Cultural Competency Training for all staff, our partnership and ongoing training with Egale, and our most recent participation in the Equity Literacy Institute sessions, we continue this important learning. Moving forward we continue our education through Diversity and Sensitivity Awareness training and Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppression training, and our continued work to reflect the voices, stories, cultures, and histories of our students, families, and communities within our classrooms, curriculum, and learning materials.
Everyone has a right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to teach, learn and work in an environment that's free from discrimination and harassment. That is a core belief of the Rainy River District School Board. Our commitment to human rights isn't just the words of our Equity Plan; it must be demonstrated by the shared responsibility and our actions every day.
“By ensuring equity in our education system, we can help all students achieve excellence, regardless of their background or personal circumstances. Research shows that when students feel welcomed and accepted in their school, they are more likely to succeed academically. We want to create a culture of high expectations where factors such as race, gender and socio-economic status do not prevent students from achieving ambitious outcomes.” —Ministry of Education
For more information on equity-related legislation and supports, please see the following: